Sunday, 1 July 2007

Brown welcomes the bombers?

It has to be said that the last two terrorist 'outrages' in Haymarket and Glasgow do offer the new Brown government a fantastic opportunity to prove themselves in the face of adversity.
In fact it's an opportunity so good that anyone could be mistaken for thinking it was rather staged managed. After all, 3 'outrages', 4 utterly incompetent bombers, (one was so hopeless he tried to set himself on fire when Allah failed to materialise and the other tried to punch his way out of the situation when our ever watchful security forces eventually cottoned on to what was going on) but thankfully no one hurt.
All the talk from the government now is that we musn't let this motley crew disturb our way of pantomime horses are real!!!
Followed by 'aren't our security services wonderful?'
No actually they're not
...unless they consist of a drunk and an ambulance driver. If you don't know the story, an ambulance was called to pick up a drunk from Tiger Tiger and it was the ambulance driver who noticed the smoking car (Illegal from today by the way, so if the car was caught today it would have been fined £50 and sent on it's way) but on Friday the police were called and a 'potential' bomb was discovered, not only one but two - a second car ticketed in Cockspur Street had been towed away to Park Lane where it too was found to be stuffed with petrol and nails.
Towed away to Park Lane??? You couldn't make it up.
Excuse me, but in Baghdad these ideological idiots are popping off car bombs every day at the rate of 85 a month! So how come over here two fail to explode consecutively and the Glasgow clowns end up doing more damage to themselves than to anyone else?
Now I'm no supporter of Al Quieda and its' obscene beliefs in a viscious profit and a vengeful God but as a brand it's always had some merit - ruthless, efficient and imaginative, so what's happened?
Unless of course this is Al Quieda Light - same old terrorism but now with all the harmful ingredients taken out but somehow I doubt it, this is too comical, too off pat, too absurd - think about it if you don't believe me - this terrorism bears all the hallmarks of a covert government policy, cumbersome, crass and carried out with Buster Keaton incompetence.
New Prime Minister, New Labour, New Terrorist threat - same old bollocks!