Sunday, 10 June 2007

Media Morons

'Have a good evening...see you tomorrow.'

I know I moan a lot, in fact this whole blog seems to be one long moan however some things are worth moaning about, like the over familiarity of newscasters.
For God sake why do they all have to say, 'see you tomorrow' when they know perfectly well they won't - it's not funny, it's absurd? Does anyone actually believe that the grinning halfwit reading the autocues can actually look down the lens of the camera and see them? No,unless of course they're a Sky viewer, then maybe they need to be disabused of the notion, but for the rest of us, those of us who haven't as yet quite tottered into the gutter of gossip, rumour and facile comment it's an insult.
Dumber and dumbest
What happened to newscasters and presenters who wanted to do their job and not be our friends? You wouldn't catch Reginald Bosanquet 'seeing you tomorrow' or Peter Woods or for that matter Corbett Woodall because they knew perfectly well (if we were so inclined) that we would be seeing them - that's the nature of television or are the marketing spivs at the BBC ITV and SKY trying to convince us otherwise!


Mike & Anne Pendrell & Honey said...

Actual fact, I always did see Reggie "tomorrow". We used to go to the same off-licence mid-afternoon and were always comparing the amount of liquor one could consume during working hours withoush anywin notishing.

In Reggie's case he often used to trip over the camera cables whilst trying to make it off the ITN set.

Anonymous said...

It's always the media's fault.
You should know that. You were one of the bastards...

Anonymous said...

Fabian, I feel your pain.