Saturday, 11 August 2007

A humourless thing!

One of our more favoured blogs in this blogging world is 'Mike's Pen' - written by a friend of mine...a funny, irreverant, diatribe against all things sorry that's the Chairman's Report...'Mike's Pen' is a daft eclectic epistle that frames the thoughts of a true English eccentric. No more, no less and he has readers...more than I have!
Yes I'm getting there!
'Mike's Pen' used to feature a character called Mrs Patel whom he claimed offered mail order driving lessons, a book of road maps and breast feeding tips from was a joke and a hugely funny one, taking the piss not out of Mrs Patel and the sub incontinent but out of our stereotypical view of these corner shop princesses. However such has been the the reaction from his readership that he's had to substitute Mrs Patel for a Dickensian charicature of a name and thus lose the joke. What's going on?
How stupid are these third world morons who seem to be happy enough to lig off our benefit system, nab our best housing and turn our streets into no-go areas and yet they can't take a joke...even though they've been taking the piss for years!!

For a small island that's given the world: Cricket, Football, Shakespeare, a sense of humour and the internet the world has given us fuck all back...a bunch of religious retards, raggamuffin refugees and Mullahs with magnums who threaten us with a Jihad should we have a laugh at their expense.
Well you can all shuv it up your....oooh matron!
Because The Chairman's Report is going to champion Mrs Patel from now on ...the hot Hindu with nothing to do....and praise be upon the profit!!!!!!!!

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